Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ham's bday cake

It's not the best I've ever done but the boys loved it and that's what matters. I over booked myself this weekend so it kinda got thrown together at the last minute.


LG said...

You have a gift. Seriously. Ever think of taking some classes and making cakes from home? A girl I go to church with does that, she ordered a kit online that taught her step by step with a video all about fondant, filling, textures, icings, etc. Now she does it part time from home and makes some good $ doing something she loves. Plus you could do cake balls which are amazing and easy too. Just a thought. I heart ya!

Aimee said...

I want to learn more. I may check into one of those kits since there is not really anywhere around here to take classes. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!

LG said...

And since there is nowhere near to teach you that stuff, think about how much moolah you could make being the only person in the area to make such awesome cakes! On another note, I am counting down the hours until I see you!