Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Not again...

This was posted on my myspace but I just never put it here so you may have read it already....

As most of you know I have a brother and sister that are the same age as my kids. I can recall several times in the last year or two where "haircutting experiments" have taken place with my brother & sister. I was blessed with kids that just didn't have that "urge". Until last week. One day last week Princess Bee decided she wanted bangs. So with scissors in hand she began to cut ultimately ending up with something that resembled a mullet. Immediately I get on the phone with my fixer-of-all-things-hair Autumn & picture message photos of the damage. We stop by and she gives Bee the cutest little bob hair cut which Brook of coarse hates. She cried for two days because she wants her long hair back. So the trauma passed and we were back to life as normal. Well~ normal for us anyhow. Then Saturday afternoon she comes out of the back part of the house rubbing her forehead. Yep. You guessed it. She found some first aid scissors in the master bathroom and she cut them again. This time to the scalp. No hope of repair this time. So you can imagine saying that I'm mad at this point is the understatement of the century. My beautiful little girl has a huge bald spot in the front of her hair. So I gave her the lecture again about how scissors are for cutting paper not her hair. And how we have a PROFESSIONAL hair cutter on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week any time she wants her hair cut so she should never do it on her own. Blah, blah, blah. So I have begun gathering ALL the scissors in the house to put UP. Oh no. It doesn't end there. We get home from church this afternoon and everyone lays down for a nap. Well then Bee gets up and goes in the front bathroom. Then she comes out a bit later and has blood on her lip. SHE SHAVED HER FACE!!!! Seriously! I couldn't make this stuff up if I wanted to. At that point all I could do was stare with my mouth hanging wide open. I'm literally speechless. Needless to say over the next couple days all sharp objects will be removed from reach of Bee.


LG said...

This is too funny!!! Dade did the same thing (sort of!) when she was about 3. She first gave herself the mullet, then the buzzcut... I would gel down the front parts and put barrettes in it and then spike the back like crazy. It was sort of cute... :)

Aimee said...

I was so mad. Her hair was almost to her waist.

jayedee said...

some day, remind me to tell you about the day that liberty and james dyed the dog blue and purple with cake icing dye.......or the time they wallpapered the bathroom with toilet paper and toothpaste.....or the time all the kids decided to see if the ceiling fan would hit 20 pounds of blueberries around the room......or yes cut each others hair!
you're a good mom i promise!
it happens to the best of us..LOL

Anonymous said...

Well written article.