Monday, August 16, 2010

Love at first play

When I first decided to homeschool Hamster I started gathering whatever I thought I might possibly need or use at garage sales and such. I did not want to be stuck spending a boatload of money at the same time we have to get school supplies & back to school clothes for the other two. I came across a garage sale that had these cards for $0.50. Today we got a chance to try them out for the first time. I just want to say that I LOVE this game. When I first pulled the cards out and began to shuffle Sam asked me what War is. After I got over the shock of him never in his entire life playing War I explained how to play. We played this game for almost an hour! That was the best $0.50 I've ever spent. We both laid down our cards and I would wait to let him tell me who had the higher card. It was a great review of math facts.

The next game I want to buy is this. Lets see if you can remember the name of it.....

I just have to find a way to make it an educational game so I can justify buying it. I'm thinking English since you have to come up with adjectives to describe the people. Whatcha think?


Unknown said...

Of course! What if you used it as a vocabulary and spelling lesson? You could have him use vocab & spelling words to describe the person, "Is you person pale?" "Is his nose bulbous?" and have him spell any of the list words that either of you use. Remember, every opportunity is a teachable moment! I just read about giving a homeschooler a grocery allowance and having him or her responsible for buying something like cereal and milk during your shopping trips. Give him full reign as long as he understands the $ must feed all 3 kids for 1 week. One kiddo chose to buy 2 loaves of bread, milk, and nesquik because he said chocolate milk in the morning was important and would be reason enough for everyone else to suffer through the toast! :)

Aimee said...

That is too funny. Newquik would definately be a priority here.